Digital marketing is a big business, and putting together mobile marketing campaigns is one of the top tasks that marketers today have to perform.

Virtually everyone has access to a mobile device, which makes them as widespread as emails.

Mobile marketing strategies for small businesses focus on using simple techniques to improve your conversion rates. Using these strategies as part of a multichannel marketing solution, small businesses can reach more customers with offers curated especially for them.

How mobile marketing strategies for small businesses can boost conversion rates

With over five billion unique users on mobile devices, marketing to people with smartphones can increase your brand’s awareness and improve your conversion rates. The numbers show how significant mobile device usage has become:

  • Sixty-eight percent of email campaigns are opened on a mobile device.
  • Mobile ad spending accounts for 72% of the digital advertisements purchased in the U.S.
  • Digital marketers spend over half of their budget on mobile advertisements.
  • When used as part of a multichannel marketing approach, mobile marketing can lead to more sales.
  • Smartphone use encourages 70% of people to make purchases in store after using their phones to get more information about a product or service.
  • Mobile devices are responsible for over 40% of the transactions that people complete online.

Mobile marketing strategies for small businesses can help people find information about your products, which ultimately helps convert them to customers.

10 mobile marketing strategies for small businesses that actually drive traffic

If you want to drive traffic to your site, you need to put together a comprehensive plan that incorporates mobile marketing strategies for small businesses.

1. Location-based marketing

If your small business has a mobile app, you can use location-based marketing techniques like geofencing to market to mobile users in a specific area.

This is especially useful for small businesses that have brick-and-mortar stores. It can also be practical for ecommerce sites that offer local recommendations, like food delivery or travel services.

Location-based marketing makes use of the places your subscribers visit.

Source: Really Good Emails

2. Responsive site design

You want your website, mobile ads, and marketing content to be more than just mobile friendly—you want them to be mobile optimized.

Mobile optimization of your website can triple your chance of increasing mobile conversion rates to 5% or more, yet only 35% of companies use it. Almost half of all websites with mobile optimization feature responsive design.

In addition to responsive site design, there are a few other tactics that you can use to optimize your website. The most common ways to optimize your website are mobile-specific development platforms, building HTML5 into your site, and using adaptive design.

3. Social media advertisements

Though email is the most widely used platform for marketing, social media is now a leading marketing channel that small businesses need to focus on.

While you should create a profile on all of the most popular social media platforms, you don’t have to use all of them to promote your business. Do some A/B testing to see how your posts perform across different platforms.

Social media advertisements are easy to target.

Source: Facebook

Social media encourages people to buy things from their favorite brands. In fact, 76% of U.S. consumers have purchased something because a brand they love shared a post featuring the product. When it comes to social media strategy, brand awareness is the primary goal of most companies.

4. Mobile-friendly content

Mobile optimization generally refers to elements of your site infrastructure. That isn’t the same thing as being mobile friendly, though. Consuming content on mobile devices is different than on a desktop.

You want shorter sentences, engaging headers, and relevant media, like high-quality images and videos. People are more likely to skim through content, so make it easy for them to do that.

When you’re creating videos, you can use captions to help keep people engaged. Captions let you get your message across, even when the audio is on mute.

5. Voice search optimization

As smart devices with voice capabilities make their way into homes, people are increasingly turning to voice search.

Voice search capabilities can lead to several website actions.

Source: DialogTech