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Advertising, Signup forms, Social

Developed by: Zapier

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About Facebook

Facebook is an online social networking service that allows its users to connect with friends and family as well as make new connections.

Facebook and Marigold

Facebook lead ads utilizes built-in forms pre-filled with users’ information, so users can submit their email addresses to advertisers with one click. Zapier then automatically sends those leads to Campaign Monitor via a connection called a “Zap.” Use a Zap to add Facebook leads to your Campaign Monitor subscriber lists.

It takes minutes to set up a Zap that sends new Facebook lead ad form submissions to Campaign Monitor, no coding required. And if a lead already exists in Campaign Monitor, Zapier will automatically update it.

Zapier is priced according to the number of zaps and synchronization frequency you need. For more information and to give it a try, zip over to Zapier.